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Jeff Drizzle & Richard Lennox

SCENE INFORMATION: You think you're pretty bright for a tiny person. "OOH! Piece of candy!" You've successfully avoided getting trapped and eaten by any giants. "OOH! Piece of candy!" The giant who lives in this place is obviously gone. There's not a sound in the house. "OOH! Piece of candy!" So you feel like it's safe to wander through in the open, eating this trail of candy that's been left out conveniently for you. "OOH! Piece of candy!" Where does it lead to? Who left it here? "OOH! Piece of candy!" And why are all these clothes and shoes left strewn around the place? "OOH! Piece of candy!" Eh, who cares. This candy is delicious. "OOH! Piece of candy!" It couldn't be a trap of some sort...