Aiden Valentine & Richard Lennox

SCENE INFORMATION: Richard Lennox' brat stepson Aiden Valentine is at it again. One of his teachers called - that's never good. Aiden has been showing up in class whenever he felt like it. He's also been bullying other students. But that's not the worst of it. He's been perving on a classmate, Laura, and her family might sue! Richard corners Aiden about his behavior, but the twink tries to blow it off. "It's just locker room talk. Jeez!" This pisses Richard off even more and he grabs Aiden over the knee and starts spanking him to teach him a lesson. Aiden shouts "You're not my real step-dad!" and Richard pulls his pants down to spank him through his tighty whities. That little snot! The spankings sting, but the stepson is still defiant. His stepdad pulls down Aiden's underwear and wails on his bare ass, which is now stinging and red. Still, Aiden doesn't apologize. So Richard snatches his phone and makes a video of Aiden's bare ass getting spanked and sends it to Laura for a final humiliation. Richard should be a family